Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Matatu Coalition

After riding in the car with Peter a couple times, I decided to videotape a ride and what it was like in Kenya. The clip you're seeing is a Matatu attempting to pass another one but in the process, almost hitting us. The reason Peter didn't move over until the last minute is because there was a cyclist on the left that he didn't want to hit. I was laughing because that was frankly pretty exciting and I wanted to catch something like this on film. Matatu drivers are very competitive here but they're all part of a Matatu coalition-like thing. You can't just buy a Matatu and start working, you have to pay the leaders a certain amount of money to be able to do this. If you don't people have been killed and their Matatus have been burned.

Anyway, this weekend is going to be fairly exciting for Paul and I. We've each had a fairly busy week so this Saturday, we'll being going to a movie and having some somasas and beer. And then Sunday, we'll be going to the club for some 12 dollar massages and a swim. And a quick update on the sushi here, Paul and I were perfectly fine. It was very delicious and filling for only being nine bucks.

This is also going to be our last weekend at Boniface and Rose's house. Paul and I had a lot of fun there and Boniface is a very interesting person who has a lot to say about everything, he's great to talk to. Our next homestay is going to be with a man named Andrew I think, I heard that he also has a nice home with a working shower so that should be nice before the holiday camp in a couple weeks.

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