Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Libraries and Islamist Coalitions

So, the image up top is me with my new, Kenyan haircut. Peter says I am finally a real Kenyan although I personally think I stick out a little bit, he says I blend right in. Anyway, here's a quick update as to what's happening here in Nairobitown. We just finished arranging the library in the past couple days; Paul entered all the books into the computer and I arranged them on the bookshelves. As you can see in the picture, the fiction books are on the right book shelf and the Math, Science, Social Studies, Religion, English/Kiswahili, and non-fiction books are on the left. We will be getting little plastic things that we can clip onto the shelves so that we can slide labels in and out because we predict a lot more books coming in as more interns and people visit. The rest of the week for me will consist of home and school visits and I will be working with Gervas a little more on the video about him.
Another interesting political tidbit here folks. You may know that Somalia borders Kenya and there have been some issues with them the past couple years. I found out today that the deputy leader of the Islamist coalition has declared war on the bordering countries of Somalia, especially Ethiopia and Kenya. I am not too worried about it because Kenya will most likely not recognize this declaration because the Islamist coalition isn't technically a nation-state (also, the deputy leader of the Islamist coalition said they would attack Ethiopia first so I'm feeling pretty good about that).
Also, this Saturday is July 4th so we will be celebrating after the Saturday Program with burgers, brats, chips, and carbonated beverages for all the employees and volunteers. And who knows, we may even throw some fireworks into the mix.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

I Miss My Hair

This weekend was very eventful for Paul and I. On Saturday we had our normal Saturday Program and I continued work on getting head shots of every child in the program. That night, Peter, Paul and I went out for beers and samosas. I also got my hair cut that night. I went into this barber's shop right next to the bar we were at and took a seat. He asked me how I'd like it cut and I said just trim a half inch or so off. I saw scissors on the table so I assumed this was a legitimate, often requested request but I saw him put the scissors in the drawer and pull out a buzzer. He then put the largest tooth-sized thing on it so I assumed it wouldn't cut off too much. He made the first buzz and asked me if that was the right length. It wasn't the right length but he already cut a big chunk of my hair off so I laughed and said perfect. He continued to buzz my head and as he did, he said, "and people didn't think I could cut Mzungu hair." I laughed and didn't reply as I was thinking to myself: "they were right." He then wiped my entire head down with a hot towel, rubbed herbal junk on my face and head, and lightly brushed the hair away. It was a great experience and the man was very nice but I now look like Marine. Then on Sunday, Peter took Paul and I out for a day on the town. We went to the elephant and giraffe parts of the reserve, saw elephants and giraffes of course, but also saw a couple rhinos, a few baboons, and some warthogs. Afterwards, we got some pizza and then went to see some tribal dances/acrobatics. That night, we met our new host family over dinner and drinks, and then moved in to our new homestay. Paul and I were really getting used to living with Peter but it's nice to experience different Kenyan homes.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Afline & Gervas

Today I met Afline Arina. She is the child that mom and Dale sponsor. She is six years old and really enjoys school. She was very shy when she first met me but I made her laugh a little and that helped her open up a little bit. She recieved a doodle pad with colored pencils, a couple books, and some small clippy thingees for her hair from her sponsors. I asked her if she liked reading and drawing and she timidly nodded.
I also spoke with Gervas Ouma. He's one of the children I am making a "Day in the Life" video of. He is very talkative and a very good singer as well. I'll be sending some clips over to Keith very soon.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Kibera and More

The photos you see are just a small portion of Kibera. Kibera is the poorest and largest slums in Africa just recently dropping past the slums in South Africa. I took these after meeting the woman that took care of Peter when he was an orphaned child in Kibera.

Today Paul and I started teaching the case workers how to type and use Microsoft Word more effectively. We had them take a test to find their words per minute and it was, frankly, quite shocking to see how poorly they did in comparison to Paul and I. But it's understandable because they were never taught how to type in school, they never even had computers.

Oh, quick update on the pineapple incident. I'm good. It didn't affect me or knock me out in anyway so that's good. I'm thinking of trying some other fruits, you know, try my luck. We also ate some minnows last night which were tasty, heads and eyes and all. Kind of awkward when they're checking you out with wide eyes while you're munching on them but Paul and I pulled through.

Next week, Paul and I will be moving to our next homestay with a board member named Rachel. I met her, her husband and their children already and they all seem very nice.

Tomorrow, during the Saturday Program, I will begin pulling kids from the activites to get their headshots which is one of my jobs while I'm here. There will be approximatley 24o children in the program by August which is amazing since the organization was only started 2 years ago. I am also experimenting with video editing but it may end up with me just giving Keith a large pile of video clips and let him do the rest of the work, but I think I'm doing pretty good so far.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Plan

We're finally getting the August camp organized. We've been talking with Tom through Skype and we have a lot more logistics to go over but it's going to work out. Tomorrow, Peter, Paul and I are going to visit the camp again to check out the field, camp ground, pool, etc. and we'll email Tom with some stats afterwards. Also, tomorrow, Paul and I are going to help the case workers and volunteer case workers use their computers and the database more efficiently and give them some sites to look at to help them with their typing. Students here aren't taught how to type like they are in America, so I see the case workers typing very slowly into their computer.

Peter, Paul and I have also made some schedules up so that we can get most of the jobs we're here to do done before the August camp. Next week, Paul and I will spend two days getting the library together which will really help the kids check out books more fluidly on saturdays. Keith and I have also been emailing back and forth to figure out which pictures he wants, and what exactly he wants for videos. The plan is that I am going to be making 4-6 "Day in the Life" videos of outgoing children in the program. Right now, some ideas for kids are Gervas Ouma, Alice Lavender, Noah Ngugi, Marleen Makuri, and Michelle Akuni.

Also, Jackson's band and I are planning to write and record a song about the children and HIV/AIDS. I will be meeting with them next Wednesday before work to start spinning some ideas, hopefully this song will be a good one.

Ngong Road Children's Association Staff

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


I realize that some of the things I say or talk about may come off as blunt or straight-forward but I need you all to understand that's just how I am. I spoke about how I debated with a few Kenyans about religion and I want you all to know that I did not, in any way, attempt to change their beliefs or tell them that they were wrong. In fact, after speaking to Peter's wife, I told her that I think she is absolutley correct but that she needs to understand that maybe others are correct as well. My entire lifestyle and religious beliefs are based around acceptance and when I bring up a debate, it's not to prove them wrong, it's to let them know that there are other ideas out there with very strong points.

Anyway, today, just like every Wednesday, we had a meeting to talk about the past week and goals to meet for upcoming weeks. Last week, I thought of an idea to get more letters to the sponsors from the kids and therefore more responses. I thought that we could take time out of a the last saturday program of each month to sit down and write. Peter then suggested taking just a certain amount of kids each saturday and then sending them all off at the end of the month. This will lead to more responses as was said before but this will also make the sponsor feel more connected to their sponsered child. The more connected they feel, the more personal it gets and the more this organization will spread by word of mouth. Right now, the great majority of sponsors are in Minnesota with a few clumps in other states. There are 49 other states that we need to try to wring out as many sponsors as possible. I feel that this incease in letters will truly help this happen.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Car Crash and Pineapple

So last night I saw something that someone would never see in America. A truck had flipped on its side injuring a few people and trapping some underneath. Once Peter, Paul, and I got there, we saw that there were 20 or so cars pulled over and the truck was surrounded by people helping or waiting to help. In America you'll have one or two people pull over and call 911 and the rest will just drive by. I asked Peter why this was and he said that in Kenya, it can sometimes take up to four hours for an ambulance to get there, so I figured the people are just making up for what the government should be taking care of.

Also, this might make for an interesting week. I bought a pineapple today and washed it with some clean water. After eating it I checked my email and found out from Dale, my step-dad, that I should steer clear from succulent fruits such as watermelon (I'm pretty sure the pineapple falls in the category of succulent as well). I am a little worried about it now because I ate more than half of it on my own but it was very delicious and I have some antibiotics just in case.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Some Photos

Update and Kenyan Culture

So I was finally able to upload a photo, sadly it took 20 minutes to do just one but I'll keep testing it and see what happens. This past Saturday was my first Saturday Program experience. The children really seemed to enjoy themselves and loved the fact that Paul and I are whiteys. They played games, raced, celebrated birthdays and were laughing, running, and flipping around the whole time.

That night, all the workers in the office and Peter went out for dinner and clubbing. It was a good time but Paul and I were wiped at around 2:00 A.M. and when Paul went over to ask Peter if we were heading out soon, he replied "4:30." That night, we didn't get back to Peter's place until 5:30 (that's Kenya for you). Then on Sunday, we met a board member, her children and her sisters and we hung out at an outdoor restaurant for about 5 or 6 hours. The music was so loud that Paul and I had to step out for a break every once in a while.

Now for a few things I have noticed of the Kenyan people and culture. Just so you all know, when I say Kenyans, I don't mean all Kenyans because I don't like to speak in generalities but I am saying the majority. The first thing I found interesting was their view on religion. 95% of Kenyans are Christian and most of the ones I've talked to follow the Bible in a very strict, blind manner. Peter is not one of them and he and I agree on a lot of things when it comes to religion but his wife for example, is one of the general populace. Many Kenyans believe that if anything good happens, it's God, and if anything bad happens, it's Satan. I was talking to Veronica, a case worker, and she told me that God helped the pilot get me here safely. I told her that it was simply the pilot's training and experience that got me here, she then asked me where he got that and I said from a teacher, she asked me where that teacher got the knowledge and I said research, and so on. Another example was that Peter's wife told me if a man rapes and murders a small child, that means that he has a demon. I told her no, he has a sexual psychiological disorder (among other issues) that can be fixed through extreme therepy, not exorcism. I believe that this thought process takes responsibility away from them and takes away the whole point to choice and logic, Peter agrees. Peter said that one reason many Kenyans believe this is because most of them havn't even traveled outside of Nairobi, let alone Kenya. Along with these beliefs comes the disdain for birth control which is one of the major facilitators to the spread of HIV/AIDS.

Another cultural thing I've seen is a little different but if someone is working or eating with their hands, when you go to greet them they hold out their hand and you grab their wrist (unlike American culture where you just say "oh, my hands are messy." This really threw me off guard the first time and I just sort of lightly punched the guys hand. A third thing that Paul and I have both seen is the noise of this culture. Kenyans love loud sounds almost all the time, be it music, TV, talking, etc. Everytime Paul or I are watching TV at Peter's, if one of his sons comes by to watch with us, he sits down, grabs the remote, and turns it up a couple notches to the point where it hurts to listen too (and even in our bedroom we can hear the TV clearly). It's the same way with music no matter what time of day (I mentioned Paul and I having to take breaks from the music because we couldn't talk to each other, we could only yell). One final cultural difference is the way Kenyans are socially. In America, we spend maybe a couple hours with a friend to grab lunch or something but here, you spend the entire day with one friend. Sorry this one was so long but I just wanted to let you guys know about the Kenyan beliefs and culture.

Friday, June 19, 2009

The New Intern

Yesterday, Peter and I went to the Jomo Kenyatta Airpot to pick up Paul Walters, the new intern. We took him to get a cell phone at the Nakumatt and some Tuskers and then went to Babylon to show Paul the night-life of Nairobi.

Today was an exciting day for me, especially because of the unfortunate blunders of Paul Walters's first day. He's been struggling to get his Mac's Wi-fi to work for the past hour, we walked for an obrusively long time while Jackson kept saying "just over there" (giving us false hope everytime he said this), and I witnessed the most ironic situation imaginable. We were walking and Jackson asked Paul if he was enjoying Kenya and Paul said so far but he needs to use the restroom; immediatley after he said this, a bird fecal matter-ed on the three of us (worst of all Paul and Jackson).

Today, we also visited the studio where Jackson and his band record and they asked me to sing something for them so after I did, his producer told me that me and Jackson's band will record a song and make a video before I head back to America so that'll be fun, he said it would even be put on the radio here (if it's good enough). After this we walked for about an hour until we reached to factory we will buy the t-shirts for the August Camp from. We then took a couple Matatus back to the office where we had lunch at 4:00 P.M. That's about it for now, it was a good day.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Issues and Good Timez

First, I just want to say sorry but my computer is not allowing me to upload photos. I tried uploading on everything: this blog, Flickr, email, and even Facebook. They are all loaded in a file on the computer but when it comes to the internet, it doesn't seem to work. It looks like the only updates you'll get will be through these written posts, but don't worry, I am arranging all the pictures and you can all see them once I return to the States (I was thinking of using other people's computers but they are even slower and they need them for work, if you have any ideas, email me at noworries029@rocketmail.com)

Yesterday, Jackson and I visited the campground where we are going to have our August camp. Its near Kibera, the second biggest slums in Africa (the first is in South Africa). The camp was very nice and tucked away into the African forest. Tom, Peter, and I have been talking about the logistics of the camp through Skype; we are planning on sleeping over night a couple times with the older kids so that should be fun with a campfire and such. After that, everyone had a meeting to have a quick update on all the families and how everything is going in the program.
Last night, Peter and Jackie took me to a club called Tacos. They were playing some very cool music and they were also having a dance contest. Because I am a Mzungu (a white person or person of European decent), the MCs called me up and I danced in front of everyone in the club, twice; I got a free beer out of it so that made me feel better. I also met another girl at the club, Cate, and got her number; she's the one who won the "Sizzling Ladies Dance Contest."

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Alright, so I'm just going to update all you kids about what's going on here in Kenya. I'm here for two months in all and so far I've only been here for a couple days. It has been fantastic. I posted a couple links to photos that you will have to copy and paste in a new window to view (the internet is too slow here so I can't simply put the photos on the blog).

I am currently staying with Peter Ndungu and his family and I will be posting a video of his home sometime this week. I am having a great time at work as well. We visited a few families yesterday and I got to ride the Matatus. All the workers are very nice and I was given an African name to make me more culturalized; I am now known as "Kanjairo." Kanjairo is a comedian here in Kenya so I'm alright with that.

Peter took me out to a club last night where congo music was being played and him, his friend, and I drank a few Tuskers, a tasty Kenyan brew, and I was hit on by my first Kenyan girl, Jenfa. She was cute and we danced a little bit, I felt a little intimidated on account that I'm about as white as you can get but she said I was a good dancer.

That's it for now, I'll be posting some more photos and videos once I get them.